Core Team

Prof. Dr. Günther Heeg
Günther Heeg is Professor emeritus at the Leipzig Institute for Theatre Studies and the Director of the Centre of Competence for Theatre (CCT). Furthermore, he is the Vice President of the International Brecht Society (IBS).
His most recent research focuses on the idea of a transcultural theatre, concepts of repetition and appropriation of history, Bertolt Brecht, contemporary music theatre and theatre wir non-professional actors.

Prof. Dr. Stephen Brockmann
Stephen Brockmann is Professor of German and President, International Brecht Society, Carnegie Mellon University.
Research focus: twentieth-century German cultural history, especially the immediate postwar period and the GDR. Recent publications: The Writers‘ State: Constructing East German Literature 1945-1959 (Rochester: Camden House, 2015); A Critical History of German Film (Rochester: Camden House, 2010 [expanded and improved new edition expected in 2020]).

Dr. Micha Braun
Micha Braun is a Research Assistant at the Leipzig Institute of Theatre Studies and the academic coordinator of the Centre of Competence for Theatre at Leipzig University.
He works and publishes on practices of repetition and recurrence, remembering and narration in the performing arts with a focus on Middle and Eastern Europe as well as on media for the appropriation of the past.

JProf. Dr. Veronika Darian
Veronika Darian is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Theatre Studies at Leipzig University with a focus on transculturality and transmediality.
Her current research focuses on xenology, aging-research within theatre studies, biography and narration in theatre, dance and performance as well as theatre in transforming societies.

Andrea Hensel, M.A.
Andrea Hensel works for the BMBF-financed research project »Fremde spielen. Amateurtheater als Medium informeller und non-formaler transkultureller Bildung« at the Institute of Theatre Studies and for the CCT at the University of Leipzig.
Since 2013 she has been writing her doctoral thesis and published about Karl Friedrich Schinkel’s stage decorations. Other research and publication focuses: relations of historiography and artistic history-practice (with focus on 19th century and the present); analysis of independent theatres in the post socialist nations in (Eastern) Europe since 1989/1990; Non-professional theatre as a medium of transcultural education in the past and present.

Dana Soubh
Dana Soubh has been studying theatre studies, arabic and islamic studies at the University of Leipzig since 2015. Since 2016 she has been working as a student assistent at the Institute of Theatre Studies in Leipzig and the CCT focussing on the concept of a transcultural theater and theater with locals and refugees.

Helena Wölfl, M.A.
Helena Wölfl is a research assistant at the CCT.

Carolin Schön
Carolin Schön has been studying theatre studies at the University of
Leipzig since 2014. Starting 2017, she has been working as a student
assistant at the Institute of Theatre Studies in Leipzig and the CCT
focussing on musical theatre.

Jördis Hoffmann, B.A.
Jördis Hoffmann studied cultural management at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz and the University of Vilnius before taking up her research-oriented Master’s Degree in theatre studies at the University of Leipzig in 2015. In the course of her work as an student assistant at the Leipzig Institute of Theatre Studies and the CCT she has been working on the Model of Transcultural Theatre since 2017.
Prof. Dr. Gerda Baumbach
Institute of Theatre Studies, University of Leipzig

Prof. Dr. Eiichiro Hirata
Eiichiro Hirata is a Professor of Theatre studies at the Institute of German Language and Literature at the Keio-University Tokyo since 2012.
He studied theatre and german language and literature in Japan and at the Humboldt-University Berlin and received his doctor’s degree about absence and presence in contemporary theatre. Currently he leads a JSPS-research project about Theatre and Culture in Japan and Germany.

Prof. Dr. Florian Vaßen
Florian Vaßen is emeritus professor of modern German literature at the Leibnitz Universität Hannover, Germany. He chaired the Arbeitsstelle Theater / Theaterpädagogik and the degree programme Darstellendes Spiel until 2009. He is co-founder and co-editor of the Journal for Theatre Pedagogy. His research interests are in the area of drama and theatre, theatre pedagogy, as well as the authors Bertolt Brecht and Heiner Müller. Publications: Korrespondenzen. Theater – Ästhetik – Pädagogik (2010); Collective Creativity (2011); Bibliographie Heiner Müller (2013); Brecht gebrauchen. Theater und Lehrstück – Texte und Methoden (2016).

Dr. des. Jeanne Bindernagel
Institute of Theatre Studies, University of Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Patrick Primavesi
Patrick Primavesi is Professor of theatre studies at the Institute of Theatre Studies at the University of Leipzig and Director of the “Tanzarchiv Leipzig e.V.”
His current main research and publication focus is on theatre’s theory and practice, dance and performance, bodypolitics and criticism of representation, publicity and movement in urban space, archives in digital environments including numerous articles and essays on Bertolt Brecht’s theatre and his reception.

Michael Wehren, M.A.
Michael Wehren is a theatre scientist and a member of the independent theatre group „friendly fire“.
He works at the Institute of Theatre Studies at the University of Leipzig and focuses on Brecht’s learning plays, the Fatzer-Fragment, recent performance practices and questions around the witness in the context of the Shoah. Michael Wehren was co-publisher of the first and second volume of the “Mülheimer Fatzerbücher”.
Academic Advisory Council
Ass. Prof. Dr. Jack Davis (Truman State University/e-cibs), Ass. Prof. Dr. Kristopher Imbrigotta (University of Puget Sound/e-cibs), Prof. em. Dr. Hans-Thies Lehmann (Berlin), Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Müller-Schöll (Universität Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Markus Wessendorf (University of Hawaiʻi/Brecht Yearbook), Dr. Erdmut Wizisla (Brecht-Archiv/Akademie der Künste Berlin)